TRIBE no more!

That’s right… we, meaning me, are changing the name of the monthly membership. So I am enlisting your creative minds to help me! Quilter’s Groove TRIBE will live on with a new name. So far, a few suggestions… Quilter’s Groove Society, Quilter’s Groove Insiders, Quilter’s Groove Clique, Quilter’s Groove Guild, or Quilter’s Groove Posse.

What do you guys think?

On the back end, I will combine the Design Decision Dilemma and QG TRIBE. I don’t even think many people know about the Design Decision Dilemma membership, so by combining them, when I talk about one.. I’ll talk about the other. So, Design Decision Dilemma will still have one video a week, while TRIBE (or the new name) will have Design Decision Dilemma but will also have the monthly content and the Zoom meetings.

The monthly content will be changing a little as well. I would like it so that the content can be consumed in 45 minutes to an hour and geared towards designs for free motion and ruler work.

Please leave suggestions for a new name in the comments! Thanks

15 thoughts on “TRIBE no more!

  1. Hi Lisa. Writing to you while on a trip to Ireland. I can understand your wish to change the name. It would be nice to make it a name that invites people in, which is why I don’t really like clique or insiders. Pro-stitcher posse is a huge group already in existence. I like guild which is very quilty, or how about, as a suggestion, cohort?

    I’m sure others have even better suggestions .

  2. I’m a stick in the mud. I linked Tribe.

    Not Posse as I had a group ending in Posse and they just changed its name so it must be out of style.

    I’d say Guild. Just a traditional group name, not a traditional group. Clique sounds too uppity and picky. Society – no.

    I vote Guild… until something better comes along.

    Thanks for asking for our opinions. After all it is your group and your company! Roll it around on your tongue for a while, try it out for size, comfort, toss it around. Does it feel right, comfortable, or not quite right yet… Vicki

  3. Hey Lisa

    Great to help

    I think QG Society has the most class, positivity moving forward and prefer it over Guild, Insider or Posse.

    Excited for your sober journey, I too do for health reasons, gut health and sleep so much better!

    Creatively yours

    Michele with Quilting Charleston

  4. How about Quilter’s Groove Family. We all have quilts and quilting in common just as family’s have blood in common but we are still all individual members of the family with our own personalities (likes and dislikes)

  5. Hey Lisa, not sure if you saw my post on the Groove Rulers video today. I suggested the Quilters Groove
    Community. I also like Cindy’s suggestion above. Won’t be on zoom on Wed. I will be on the road to the Greenville, SC show. I’ll be getting photos of Janis’ quilt since she won’t be able to attend. I can’t wait to see it in person. 

    Have a Great week. 

  6. thank you for your sensitivity! Dang, this is like naming a child – oh wait! This is your child.

    I don’t mind Guild, but I know that some have had negative experiences with guilds, and I don’t want that to overshadow the amazing things you have to test us, and the amazing community you have built!

    What about something like Quilters Grovers and Movers?

  7. Here’s a few more suggestions

    “Quilters’ Groove Alliance”. It gives a sense of unity and collaboration among members.

    ”Quilters’ Groove Association”

    “Quilters’ Groove Associates”

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