Welcome to the New Blog ….Life and Biz!

It has been a hot minute since I’ve blogged consistently so I figure it’s like starting over now. My blog was primarily about quilting and while I have a lot to say on that subject, my life is quite different now so I figure my blog will be a bit different as well. So if you are looking for solely quilting… this may not be the blog for you. I will also bring you on my journey of (for lack of a better word) “enlightenment”. I apologize that this may not be linear.

I started my quilting business in 2004 for extra income for my family, never imagining I would need it to support myself financially. Life throws curve balls at you all the time and I have always been one to adjust and adapt fairly easily. I’ve always firmly believed that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. It is how you choose to handle it or in some cases, not handle it.

In 2019, I made a major life decision that I was going to get a divorce. The reasons were many but one that kept coming back to me was that I wanted my children to see me happy, to know me happy, not necessarily in a relationship but in general. So I moved forward like I typically do once I make a decision. A true Taurus in nature, once my decision is made, (and it sometimes takes me quite a while to make a decision) my mind is not changing. While I believe this to be one of the best decisions I have ever made, it did not come without some trials and tribulations. More later on those.

Fast forward to the end of 2023, something didn’t feel right (mentally speaking). So in December, I decided that I was going to start going to the gym. Now I know I can work out at home but since my job IS at home, I thought it would be good to get out of the house. One of my friends recruited me to join her at Planet Fitness so I was going to have a workout buddy. Yeah!!! Then I realized that she is up at the crack of dawn, no really, up at 4am! 🥱 Normally I am still in REM sleep at that hour but I thought I’d give it a try. We started going at around 6am and it was tough getting this body up at 5:30am 3 days a week. Somehow it started to get earlier and earlier. We are now at the gym right around 5am when it opens and finish our workouts around 7am. We even recruited another friend to join us!

January came and I decided to do Dry January. For those that don’t know.. this is where you give up drinking alcohol for the month. I have done it numerous times and always felt better after participating. While I am not an alcoholic by any means, I realized that I do have an unhealthy relationship with it. My mom was an alcoholic which I have come to realize has played an enormous part in who I am but that is a story for another time. Let’s just say that because of her I have always been cautious about how much I drink. So Dry January ended and the decision was made to remain dry for a little longer. It has now been 96 days with no alcohol and I feel better than ever, aside from a few sore muscles. LOL

I will dive into how giving up drinking has changed certain aspects of my life. Along with what owning my own business looks like and how I navigate life….. Stay with me!

31 thoughts on “Welcome to the New Blog ….Life and Biz!

  1. Great Blog Lisa! Keep up the good work and believe me you won’t regret being on a healthy wave. Alcohole has been proven to bring with it so many negatives with health related issues that staying dry is really the best way to be.  So any time it seems like it might be ok to go back to it, just think about the possible negative issues that would really complicate your life.. You GO GIRL!!!!

  2. Good for you! I’m not one to leave comments, but… As a longarm quilter doing business from home and divorced, and the adult child of an alcoholic I just had to pitch in with that good for you shout out. I’m not much of a drinker myself and while I’ll have a drink outside with friends around the BBQ in the summer I’m still mindful (reminded?) of life with an alcoholic parent. There our similarities end as you’ll never, ever talk me into getting up at 5 am! LOL

    • Hi Judy,
      Thanks so much for your support. My mom was an alcoholic and it has shaped my life in ways I never even imagined. I have always been conscious of how much I drink and why I drink because of my mom. Lately… it has served me well to NOT drink and it feels great. I won’t hold the 5am wake up against you! We sound very similar except that. LOL

  3. It’s so great to hear from you Lisa🤗 you talent and strength in life are motivating and encouraging and I’m glad that you are vulnerable enough to share with us. I look forward to reading the new blog!

  4. Wishing you much continued success in all areas of your life. I used to have a glass of wine with dinner every night and I’ve cut back to 0-2 per week. I feel better too. Although I am not ready to exercise at 5 am (yikes!) I am trying to be more intentional about increasing physical activity. Thanks, Lisa for inspiring us with your quilting expertise and wellness goals. Press On! Hugs. JN

  5. Wow, this is different, and a brave undertaking. I find myself already engaged and looking forward to your next post. You are refreshingly real here as well as a truly talented quilt maker. (We all knew that already) Congrats on this new venture…I am cheering from the sidelines!

  6. You’ve made some really hard life decisions. Not an easy thing to do. When I divorced I knew I was exchanging one set of circumstances for another, but ones I felt I would have more control over. I, like you was motivated because I didn’t want my children to think I approved of how my husband conducted his life, lying and cheating and even getting them to lie for them. Keep making those healthy decisions. Look forward to future blog posts.

  7. Kudos to you for taking charge of your life and making the changes to make you a happier and healthier person. Not an easy thing to do for sure. Looking forward to reading more of your story.

  8. Sometimes a Girl has got to do, what she’s got to do for her well being. I need the exericise too, but do not have a buddy to go with. No way at that hour of the morning! LOL Good for you! Keep up the good work. It seems to be working! 

  9. Pingback: Today’s Mind Bender | Lisa H Calle's Blog

  10. Hi Lisa! I just came back to my own blog after not posting for 4 years. I’ve been missing the “community” we had here back in the MQR days, before FB and IG kinda took over and seemingly pulled us all away. Plus, my own life was on a roller coaster for quite awhile…widowed, losing parents, new marriage, etc. I’m glad I ran across you this morning! I’m hoping to rebuild some of the connections lost over the last few years and make new blogging friends. Like you, my blog is a mix of my quilting and my life. Have a great week!

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