TQS: The Quilt Show

As many of you know I filmed the Quilt Show with Ricky Timms and Alex Anderson.  While there getting ready, they do a kind of get to know you interview… pretty informal.  Where can you see it, you ask?  I will post the link but first I want to say…. why couldn’t they lose this?  Really, I am really that boring… I realized that I have no one quilter that influences me or is my idol.  I gave this some thought yesterday after Gilbert posted the video on my Facebook page…. I am influenced by all of you.  That’s right!  You are all my quilting rock stars.  I learn so much from all of you.  I look forward to my classes so much because of all I come away with. So Thank you!!!

And yes, if I could I would be a professional golfer…. I played today… only 9.  Alas, the LPGA is NOT going to be asking me to come and play!  They might for a little comedic relief.  LOL

I digress…. If you ever want to get on my good side… Reese’s Peanutbutter cups are a good start.  What I also should have said was Swedish Fish.  I can eat those by the bag and I’m not talking about the small single serving bags.

ok here it is…. Watch at your own risk.  I sure hope I am more articulate in the actual show than I am in this interview.


Quilt on, My Friends!
