Alone time~

It’s been a hot minute. I’ve been super busy…. the BootCamp was a huge success! If you missed it, don’t worry. I’ll be doing another in September. I have to finalize those dates.

I have worked hard to make the QG Creative Design Society the best membership. I already know it’s affordable at $9.97/month. Crazy right?? We now have a member directory with everyone’s information. This is great for getting in touch with the person who has the answer you want. I have also created our Zoom meetings into a podcast, so if you miss the meeting, you can listen to it on either Apple podcasts or YouTube podcasts. The instructions are pretty simple. However, since it is a member-based podcast, you can’t just search for us. Not a member yet? Here is all the information!

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So, back to the alone time. I have finally learned to thoroughly enjoy time to myself. I never really understood the actual value of being by yourself. My therapist told me recently to try being “still.” I have always felt like I needed to be in constant motion, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She challenged me to be still in all 3 areas. Physically being still was the easiest. Quieting my mind and my emotions was much more difficult. I have started journaling, which has been an enormous help for both my mental and emotional state. I actually crave alone time now. Am I alone in that or is that something you look forward to?

I’ve always known I was an introvert but being alone is truly how I like to recharge. I’d love to know if you know how to be “still.” It took me 55 years to learn, how about you?