It’s Double Nickel Day!!

I have now been 126 days alcohol-free. I continue to feel great about this decision in my life and wanted to share with you what I think is the number one benefit. There are many benefits but I think clarity is the one that I love the most.

Eliminating alcohol has given me clarity in work, friendships, and family.

I have thought about lowering the price of my membership, QG Creative Design Society for some time. I knew that I wanted to make it more affordable for everyone and that it wasn’t at the current price. The task of changing it was overwhelming and had me put it on the back burner. I realized that anything worth doing is not easy, so I just put my head down and did it. Feels great!

I am a recovering people pleaser, so boundaries are something that I wasn’t always familiar with. I now have them, and it has made me realize that not everyone loves this new version of me, and I’m ok with that. I love this version of myself! Wish it didn’t take me 55 years to get here.

Happy Birthday to me. Double Nickels feels excellent!

A friend of mine made my day with this:

“Well, for what it’s worth, I think what you’re doing is amazing and inspiring. This is a very, very positive version of Lisa. You’re working on yourself AND putting yourself first. Which you deserve. Anyone who doesn’t want to be better around you as a result… doesn’t get it.”

If you are inspired by my journey… let me know!